Episode 2: The 1950s
It's an age of prosperity, rigid gender roles, and innovative snow-removal techniques
The Carlson's take on their second wintery decade in this time-travelling experiment: the booming 1950s. As the handyman of the house, Dave tries out a hot new snow-melting tool, that proves to be less than effective.
The never-ending spin-cycle of winter cooking and cleaning continues for Melanie. Meanwhile, housewife-in-training Lauren tries her hand at her first solo meal. The youngest Carlsons, Alex and Chelsey, enjoy tech free adventures in the great outdoors building snow forts, sledding and figure skating their way through the nifty '50s!
Want to try recreating Lauren's culinary masterpiece? Now you can!
The decade comes to a close with a taste of winter pie and letting loose trying out the hottest dance of the time: the hand-jive.

Did you love the Mid-century modern decor in the Carlson's '50s home? Here's how to get the look: