3 more calls about suspected prowlers bring police back to Westdale
Police are encouraging residents to continue reporting anything suspicious

Three more calls about possible prowlers brought Hamilton police to Westdale Tuesday night.
The calls come after more than a dozen prowling-related incidents reported in the neighbourhood near McMaster University over the past month and a half.
Both the university and police service have warned people in the area to make sure their doors and windows are secure at night following the rash of incidents.
Const. Jerome Stewart said officers didn't find anything Tuesday, but encouraged residents to continue calling in anything they find suspicious.
"We recognize the community is becoming more vigilant and as such welcome these calls as eventually it will lead the arrest of the individual(s) responsible," he wrote in an email to CBC News.
More than a dozen reports
Officers were called to the area three straight nights last week after reports of people lurking near homes.
That's after a spate of break and enters targeting women in the neighbourhood, including an incident at the beginning of August where a sleeping woman woke up while being sexually assaulted by a man who police say crawled through her second-storey window
Police still haven't confirmed a link between the cases, but say they have stepped up their presence in the neighbourhood