Manitoba RCMP officer faces 2 criminal charges after police watchdog investigation into motorcycle chase
Incident occurred on Highway 5 near Dauphin in August 2023

A Manitoba RCMP officer is now facing criminal charges, following further investigation by Manitoba's police watchdog into a 2023 highway chase.
Cpl. Kevin Challoner has been charged with one count of assault causing bodily harm and one count of dangerous operation of a vehicle in relation to an incident on Highway 5 near Dauphin on Aug. 29 of last year, the Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba said in a Thursday news release.
He had been charged earlier this year under the Highway Traffic Act with failure to drive with due regard to safety in connection with the incident.
The IIU previously said the incident began when an officer saw a man driving a motorcycle dangerously on Highway 5 near Dauphin. Attempts to stop the motorcyclist were unsuccessful and after several near collisions, more police officers arrived and contained the vehicle, the investigative unit said in March, when the Highway Traffic Act charges were announced.
The unit — which investigates all serious matters involving police in the province — had said in August 2023 that it launched an investigation into the incident because there was a use of force encounter during the man's arrest, and he had suffered three broken ribs.
On Friday, the IIU said that after further investigation, its civilian director determined Criminal Code charges should also be laid against Challoner.
The Independent Investigation Unit says because the matter is now before the courts, it will not comment further.