3 federal leaders respond to Paul Davis's letters, Harper stays mum

Premier Paul Davis received responses from the federal Liberal, NDP and Green party leaders to letters he sent them in late September.
Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper did not provide a response.
"It is disappointing that, to date, we have not received a response from Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper, who has not taken the time to address these issues of tremendous importance to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians," said Davis in a press release.
These responses will assist in informing our residents when making their decisions in next week's federal election."
Davis sent letters to the leaders of the four main federal parties on Sept. 25, asking where they stand on issues pertaining to the province.
The letters asked about the leaders' positions on issues such as search and rescue response times, the last in, first out policy for shrimp quotas, and the temporary foreign worker program in Newfoundland and Labrador.
In his letter to Harper, Davis condemned the Conservatives for denying a $400-million fisheries fund for the province, as part of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.
The three responses can be read here: