N.L. decision on burning tires for fuel delayed
The provincial government's decision on a controversial proposal to burn old tires to fuel a paper mill in western Newfoundland has been delayed.
Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Minister Charlene Johnson was set to rule on the application on Monday, but a spokesperson said she wants more time to consider the idea.
The official said the department received many more public submissions about the proposal than it had expected.
Johnson is now scheduled to make a decision on Jan. 15.
Kruger has proposed the idea for its mill in Corner Brook, even though it was rejected five years ago when critics said burning tires will create toxic emissions.
If the proposal goes ahead, tires will be shredded and burned with wood bark to produce energy. Proponents argue it would help the province get rid of more than two million used tires stored in the woods near Placentia.
The province has been looking for an environmentally friendly way to get rid of them for years.