Paradise exploring possible Topsail Road pedway near school
City of St. John's voted against a similar pedway at new Waterford Valley High

The Town of Paradise is exploring the possibility of constructing a pedestrian pedway across Topsail Road to help children walking to and from school, as well as to alleviate traffic congestion.
Rodney Cumby, the town's chief administrative officer, said the town is exploring putting a pedway between Trails End Drive and Karwood Drive, near Coffee Matters.
- Topsail Road pedway a no go, says city committee
- Councillor wants pedway over Topsail Road to protect students
Cumby said the town has only "anecdotal evidence" of the need for a pedway in the area, adding the process is still in its early stages, but proposals have already been received by the town.
Cumby said the town feels a pedway would help young children walking to nearby Paradise Elementary School and keep traffic flowing smoothly.
"We thought that the idea of neighbourhood schools and being able to walk through the trails and subdivisions to school may promote that type of activity and maybe relieve congestion on Karwood Drive," he told CBC's St. John's Morning Show.
Cumby said the town has a "very preliminary" cost estimate on the project, which estimates the pedway could cost between $800,000 and $1 million.
He said the proposals that have been received will be evaluated by staff over the next few weeks, who will pass their recommendation to town council to make the final decision.
St. John's votes against pedway

The City of St. John's held similar discussions in November about constructing a pedway across a different section of Topsail Road, near Waterford Valley High School, but voted against the project.
Coun. Art Puddister proposed the city spend $1 million to help build an elevated pedway.
However, council said research indicated pedways that don't connect two buildings are often unused.
A recommendation was instead made to reprogram traffic lights on Topsail Road and Hamlyn Road to give pedestrians extra time to cross the street.