Voter turnout high in advance polls

As advance polls come to a close in Newfoundland and Labrador, Elections Canada says it has seen a particularly high voter turnout compared to previous years.
"It's been an absolutely fantastic turnout," said Max Harvey, provincial field liaison with Elections Canada.
"I will say that it is a significant increase in the vote, as we're seeing nationally...Advance polls have been increasing in popularity."

Harvey said that 1.6 million people cast ballots across the country in the first two days of advance polling--already a 30 per cent increase from 2011. In the first three days, 2.4 million Canadians voted.
Special ballot voting has also been on the rise, he said.
There were more than 125 advance polls across Newfoundland and Labrador, many of which saw long lineups of voters.
"We're going to be busy on election day, so it's a good opportunity," said voter Elizabeth Cunningham, who cast an advance ballot at the Masonic Hall in Mount Pearl.

Cunningham said that while she's been paying close attention to the election campaign, its length has taken a toll.
"It was a little bit too long, you get sick of it after a while, hearing the same ones calling each other down," she said.
Advance polls were open for four days this year. In previous elections, they have only been open for three.
Harvey said that Elections Canada's pilot project of pop-up returning offices on campuses and aboriginal friendship centres has also been extremely successful.
"Some of them are saying, if it wasn't for this increased access we wouldn't have voted," he said. "It's wonderful to see."