Grace Family Church opens month-end food bank in Sudbury

A new food bank has been opened in Sudbury's Donovan neighbourhood.
Food will come from the main branch of the Sudbury food bank, and the Elgin Street Mission.
The food bank will be open the last two Wednesdays of every month at Grace Family Church on Antwerp Street, said volunteer Deborah Newton.
Even though there are nearly 50 food banks in the Greater Sudbury area, people in the Donovan can't always access them, she said.
"For those people obviously, they would have a hard time transporting and getting to other area food banks. They don't have vehicles; they're low-income people, people on fixed income. Some of these people are homeless."
The food bank opened its doors once in March and fed more than three dozen families and couples, Newton added.
“We … see that the need is there at the end of the month, when [some people] have more month left than money,” she said. “That's when we find people need food to get through to their next pay cheque."