Tara Flynn: Satirist, activist helping to change Ireland

It has been argued that Ireland has changed more in the past 20 years than in the previous one hundred. The country's economy exploded during the Celtic Tiger period, then collapsed into a severe recession. It is only now starting to rebound. The young have stopped leaving the country to look for work, and they've been joined by an influx of immigrants.
At the same time, the all-powerful grip of the Roman Catholic Church has been weakened. The legal enshrinement of gay rights and same-sex marriage would have been unthinkable only a few decades ago. The next target for change among activists is Article 8 of the Irish constitution, which prohibits abortion.
One of the activists hoping to overturn the abortion ban is Tara Flynn. She is a well-known actress, author and comedienne who satirizes the romantic myths about Ireland. Here she is with her brilliant skit, Racist B and B.