Promise tracker: Keep tabs on what political parties pledge for P.E.I.
Promises will be included here after parties or Independent candidates have made announcements

There are going to be plenty of promises and platforms to consider when Islanders head to the polls on April 23.
From transportation and the economy, to health care, housing and more, parties have promises they're making and here is where voters can sift through where each party stands to date
Promises and topics will be included below after a party or Independent candidate makes an announcement.

Liberal Party:
The Liberal Party said it intends to create 3,500 more full-time jobs, mostly tied to a $750 million infrastructure plan, if given another mandate. It also promised to reduce the small business tax rate from 3.5 to 2.5 per cent and provide assistance through a new P.E.I. Workers Benefit.
The Liberals promised to increase the basic personal tax exemption on income taxes to $10,000 by 2020, introduce a tax break for children involved in extra-curricular activities and raise the minimum wage to $14 by 2022.
Leader Wade MacLauchlan said 2,000 youth will get a start in their chosen careers through an expansion of the Graduate Mentorship program.
The Liberals also promised a $4.5 million P.E.I. workers benefit to help more than 12,000 working Islanders by providing incentives of up to $3 per hour on a portion of earnings.
Progressive Conservative Party:
PC Leader Dennis King pledged to reduce taxes for Islanders by raising the basic personal tax exemption to $12,000, lowering the small business tax rate to one per cent and increasing the base amount of the Low Income Tax Reduction Program from $17,000 to $20,000.
The PC Party has also proposed to allow the sale of wine and beer in Island corner stores, should it form government. Stores would have limits on the amount they could sell, and would have to have at least 25 per cent of their inventory made up of local products.
The PCs pledged to put $1 million toward a land bank that would buy land from retiring farmers and lease it to young people who want to take up the profession.
The P.E.I. PC Party is promising an expansion of government's current marked fuel program that it says will translate to lower costs for Island's agricultural sector.
Green Party:
The Green Party promised to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2023.
Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker promised his party would spend $4.5 million to acquire land from 2020-2023 to establish a land bank to make land available and affordable to Island farmers.
New Democratic Party:
NDP Leader Joe Byrne promised a $15 per hour minimum wage, which would rise to $17 within four years.
Byrne also committed to a land bank, saying the NDP has been pushing for it for decades as a way to keep small farms out of the hands of big corporations
The NDP also pledged to include tax incentives for small businesses to start up in rural communities, and basing management offices of new public services in outlying communities.

Liberal Party:
The Liberal Party pledged a $500 Island education bond for every eligible Islander under 16, and to increase the George Coles Bursary to $2,700 per year as well as hire an additional 150 front-line educational staff.
The Liberals promised 300 new child care spaces over the next three years, including infant spaces. They also intend to "significantly reduce parent fees by 2023" and promised to continue to invest in training and higher pay for early learning educators.
Progressive Conservative Party:
PC Leader Dennis King announced that the party would create a new half-day preschool program for four-year-olds at a cost of about $5 million.
Green Party:
Promised wage parity for early childhood educators as well as introduce a universal school food program.
New Democratic Party:
The NDP promised a $7 per hour wage increase for early childhood educators, more support for classroom teachers to meet the different learning needs of students, and free post-secondary tuition for Island students.

Liberal Party:
The Liberals promise to spend $8 million over the next four years on shoreline protection initiatives to assess, map and respond to flood risk. It also pledged to spend $1 million in new reforestation to assist in carbon dioxide capture, and promised a solar electricity incentive for Island homeowners.
During a leaders' debate on the environment in Charlottetown April 8, MacLauchlan said his party opposes oil and gas exploration or development offshore of P.E.I. He said he has and will continue to oppose Northern Pulp in Pictou, N.S., pumping effluent into the Northumberland Strait.
MacLauchlan also proposed developing a digital platform to share information about the Island's natural history.
And, he promised to proclaim the Water Act.
Progressive Conservative Party:
During the leaders' debate on the environment, Dennis King said he would like to designate areas around P.E.I. as Marine Protected Areas.
King said he supports establishing an Environmental Bill of Rights, which would affirm the right to a healthy environment.
King said he also supports funding a curator of natural history to showcase the Island's natural heritage.
King said his government would release the Water Act regulations which have not yet been publicly released, and would extend the current moratorium on high-capacity wells. He also supports making information about holding ponds publicly available.
King said a PC government would not join provinces currently contesting the federal carbon tax in court.
Green Party:
Highlights of the Green platform on the environment include support for electric vehicles and small-scale solar projects.
The Greens have also committed to adding sustainability criteria for procurement of government services, and a 10-year buy-local procurement policy.
During the leaders' debate on the environment, Bevan-Baker said he supports establishing a Marine Protected Area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
On the issue of water quality, Bevan-Baker said government needs to identify areas where buffer zones have to be enhanced.
He also committed to implementing the Water Act right away.
P.E.I. Greens say they would increase gas taxes on P.E.I. and use the proceeds to fund a carbon tax rebate program.
New Democratic Party:
During the leaders' debate on the environment, Joe Byrne said he is in favour of a Marine Protected Area that covers all of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and all of the Northumberland Strait. He also said he would like to see a complete ban on fracking that extends "way out into the Gulf."
Byrne said he supports establishing an Environmental Bill of Rights, which would affirm the right to a healthy environment. He also said he would fund a curator of natural history, a support staffer and a facility for natural heritage collections and displays.
Byrne said he supports legislation and enforcement on holding ponds, and would make information about ponds publicly accessible.
The NDP promised to spend $720 million on energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy and public transit — a plan the party said would add almost 10,000 jobs on P.E.I. over five years. It would also make all energy generation on P.E.I. renewable within 15 years.The plan also promised to make energy-efficient vehicles more affordable, and increase public transportation Island-wide.
The party promised to ban new high-capacity wells, make investments in sustainable agriculture, and remove loopholes in the Lands Protection Act.
It also pledged to restrict land ownership for companies and people who don't live in P.E.I., and reform crop insurance to better support farmers negatively affected by extreme weather. The party also said if elected, it would source local food for public institutions like schools and hospitals.
P.E.I.'s NDP Party promised to increase gas taxes on P.E.I. and use the proceeds to fund a carbon tax rebate program.
Progressive Conservative Party:
The PCs promised to have a dedicated fisheries minister for the province, and separate the fisheries and agriculture departments.
PC Leader Dennis King said the PC Party would establish an annual sitting calendar designed to improve how the legislature operates, similar to one used by the House of Commons. He also promised a free and open election of committee chairs and deputy chairs on standing committees among other changes.
Health care

Liberal Party:
The Liberals promised to increase health-care spending by $200 million over the next five years, which includes a "renewed health facility" at Kings County Memorial Hospital. They also promised up to $500 per month for families caring for seniors who are still at home.
The Liberal Party's plan includes $15 million allocated to health care to increase walk-in-clinic capacity and recruitment of rural doctors, as well as lower drug costs for seniors, upgrade mental-health services and drop ambulance fees.
The Liberals also promised to step up recruitment efforts for psychiatrists and create a mental-health walk-in clinic in Tignish.
The Liberals also promised to hire new home care nurses to allow for coverage seven days a week, eliminate fees for lower-income seniors to medications and reduce costs for access to generic medications by half.
Progressive Conservative Party:
The PC Party announced it will replace the Hillsborough Hospital. It also promised to expand community-based cancer treatment in Kings County and West Prince, and to create a new $500 wellness and activity tax credit.
The PCs announced The First 1,000 Days Initiative, which it says would aim to improve the nutritional health, development and well-being of mothers and children.
The PCs also pledged to make shingles vaccines free to Islanders over 60.
The PCs promised to recruit a fertility specialist to work in the province, and provide better support to couples having trouble conceiving a child. The party also pledged to provide more financial support for IVF treatment.
The PCs promised to allow nurses, pharmacists and other health-care professionals a broader scope of practice.
The PC Party promised it would set up a $5 million fund to support research and information on women's health issues and needs.
Green Party:
The Greens propose more home care support and the introduction of midwifery services.
New Democratic Party:
The NDP say if elected they would create a recruitment and retention plan for rural doctors, broadening the scope of the recruitment search for physicians alongside current physicians. It also wants to work with the UPEI to develop a medical program similar to the Atlantic Veterinary College.
The NDP promised every Islander would have a family physician before 2023. It also promised to improve personal support services, construct more publicly-owned manors, explore new approaches to long-term care, and support a national pharmacare system.

Liberal Party:
The Liberals announced two proposals aimed at housing: a 10 per cent reduction in property tax on the first $200,000 of a home's assessed value, and a $300 annual rental rebate for units under $1,500 per month.
The P.E.I. Liberal Party announced campaign promises designed to help seniors stay in their own homes. The proposal includes an additional $750,000 per year in home repairs and renovations for seniors, and a promise to explore new technology to make seniors' homes safer.
Progressive Conservative Party:
The PCs promise to launch a P.E.I. mobile rental voucher program as an immediate action to help low-income Islanders.
King promised to partner with the private sector, co-operatives, and non-profit groups to deliver 1,200 additional affordable housing units.
Green Party:
The second biggest ticket on the Green Party's platform announcement was $5.5 million in new spending to support the housing supply.
New Democratic Party:
The NDP propose creating a stock of publicly-owned housing with rents tied to income, and adding restrictions to short-term rentals.

Liberal Party:
The Liberals promised the rollout of the $74 million high-speed broadband initiative to all parts of P.E.I. that they say will result in close to 30,000 additional Island homes and businesses gaining access to faster internet service.
New Democratic Party:
The NDP promised high-speed internet access across the province if it forms the next government.
Progressive Conservative Party:
The PCs promised to address the traffic issues in East Royalty, a suburb of Charlottetown. The party said it would commit to creating better traffic access from residential areas, improving transit coverage, making the area more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians and providing a clear timeline for work to be done.
The PCs promise if elected to bring together internet providers to design and implement a "made in P.E.I." plan to deliver high-speed access to all communities across the Island.
Social programs

Liberal Party:
The P.E.I. Liberal Party promised a new $2 million fund for community grants and poverty action fund for non-governmental organizations, as well as $250,000 for a volunteer enhancement program and $100,000 in new supports for firefighters.
Green Party:
The Green Party says it would increase rates for housing and food, increase the personal allowance rate and expand dental coverage to low-income Islanders with a long-term goal of making basic dental care universal.
The Green Party would also like to see a basic income guarantee, and say it would aggressively pursue the federal government for financial support for a pilot project.
Progressive Conservative Party:
The PCs said they would set up a new $1 million fund that Island non-profit groups could access to support community-based projects and programming. The funding would be peer reviewed, competitively awarded and allocated proportionally among qualified groups in all three counties, the party said.